Practiced for centuries by cultures around the world — including ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems — detoxification is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. In an ideal situation, the body will naturally remove and eliminate toxins. Unfortunately, our diet, lifestyle, stress, and environmental factors inhibit the body’s ability to work at top form. Detoxification methods will help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health.
How does detoxification work? Basically, detoxification means cleansing the body of impurities. The body eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. However, when these systems are compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected.
It is recommended to detox for symptoms such as:
Unexplained fatigue
Sluggish elimination
Irritated skin
Low-grade infections
Puffy eye or bags under the eyes
Menstrual problems
Mental confusion
It is also recommended to detox after indulging events, such as the holidays or a vacation. Spring is also a naturally detoxing time of year as we are coming off of the winter, which is a time for adding insulation to our bodies through heavy, fatty foods to help combat the cold weather. Spring is a time to shed those pounds.
At Metta, we think prevention is always the best approach. If your body is working the best that it can, it will be equipped to better handle whatever comes it’s way. The gentle detoxing methods we offer can be done any time of the year. And the real benefits happen when you make it a regular practice of taking care of yourself.
Other wonderful ways to reduce toxins in your life First, lighten up your toxin load. Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins in the body and are obstacles to your healing process. Also, minimize use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal health care products (cleansers, shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes), and substitute natural alternatives.
Another deterrent to good health is stress, which triggers your body to release stress hormones into your system. While these hormones can provide the "adrenaline rush" to win a race or meet a deadline, in large amounts they create toxins and slow down detoxification enzymes in the liver. Find effective ways to relieve stress, which will reset your physical and mental reactions to the inevitable stress life will bring.
Cleanse your body daily
Eat plenty of fiber, including brown rice and organically-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed are excellent detoxifying foods. Cleanse and protect the liver with herbs such as dandelion root, burdock and milk thistle, and drinking green tea
Vitamin C, which helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins
Drink plenty of water
Breathe deeply to allow oxygen to circulate more completely through your system