Yes, I said vagina. We need to talk about this, gals. I am afraid too many women have given up on floating because they experienced a stinging sensation in their nether regions. This makes me so sad. While I was observing my own lady bits sting during a float session I decided it was time to write about it.
Ladies, here are a few things that cause vaginal stinging while you are in the float tank, and some tips to make sure you are a happy clam during your float sessions.
Float BEFORE You Fornicate: Sure sex is amazing, but sex can also create micro tears in the skin of your vagina that will sting while floating. Simply avoid sexual intercourse the day you float just like shaving. FYI, masturbating and inserting tampons can also cause micro tears.
Vaginal Dryness/Menopause: Since the most common age group (so far) to comment on vaginal discomfort in the float tank is from the 50 and older crowd, I suspect dryness could be fueling the problem, but this is just a theory. Using coconut oil to keep your vag moisturized can help tremendously. Just apply some in and around that area in the days leading up to a float.
Pregnancy: Being pregnant affects a woman’s PH levels, which may be a culprit for a stinging sensation from the Epsom salt.
Post-Natal: Allow approximately 3 months to make sure you are fully healed. If it is less than 3 months please check with your doctor, physician or midwife. If you have been cleared for the activities in #1 you should be in the clear for floating.
Hormonal Changes: As women, our hormones are constantly in a state of flux. Seasonality, menstrual cycles, illness, etc. are all factors. Notice where you are in your menstrual cycle if you experience discomfort while floating. Then shoot for a different time in your cycle to see if that has any effect on the experience.
Thrush: If you notice a strange white rash inside your mouth, you may have a condition called thrush. It's an infection caused by the candida fungus, which is yeast. You can get it in your mouth and other parts of the body. It can cause diaper rash in infants or vaginal yeast infections in women. Some women who have had thrush while floating reported stinging in their lower bits. It’s best to wait until the thrush is resolved before scheduling time in the tank.
Your Vajayjay is Already Irritated or Unhappy: If things are already grumpy in your southern hemisphere, floating is not going to improve the situation. Let any irritation or burning from infections clear before floating.
All is not lost, women! Some of these issues may be alleviated by applying a thin layer of protective salve before getting in the tank. Just ask one of our staff for the salve. Also, it may be challenging, but you CAN breathe through it. The initial shock is always the worst, but it does subside.
Finally, if your feminine flower has ever burned in the float tank and one of these reasons was not the cause, please send me an email. I will gladly update this post and learn something new!
Thank you to Lindsay at Anicca Float Club for your contribution on this topic!