By Kristen CervenakThere are a few things I have noticed at Metta so far. One, people are always much happier when they finish any of their sessions. Two, people that finish floating (whether they are strangers or not) often talk about their experiences. Three, every person who regularly floats has a favorite room.
For me, my favorite room as always been Float room 5, located on the bottom floor. Although the rooms are pretty much the same, I felt my energy connect with that one. I think there is something to be said about how stifling routine can be though. We get so caught up in the same patterns every day because it can be far more comforting. So, with that mindset, I chose another path and selected float room 2. Something about that room feels completely different from the rest to me whenever I am cleaning. Almost an entirely opposite energy from my favorite room. I wasn’t wrong. The room felt toasty and uncomfortably spacious. "Oh no, what have I done?” I laughed to myself. My session started the same as always. Run the fingers through my mess of curls in the shower, lather up with what has become my favorite body wash, climb into the tank with earplugs in. I performed the same ritual as always until I caught myself. No, no – this one is going to be different. After hitting the lights, my first step was to float on the opposing side of the tank with my hands at my side versus the effortless placement above my head I grew so obsessed with. The air was so warm, I felt as if I was on the surface of crystal-clear pool water under the hot summer sun. I kept my eyes open to the complete darkness of the room – waiting for serenity to overcome me – but it never came. About halfway through my float, it was like something ignited a fuse in me. My energy levels were out of control. Bursting inside of me was excitement. When my session came to an end, I felt like singing and cleaning everything in sight, like a Disney princess. I didn’t get so far as to walk back into work with arms full of songbirds, but you catch my drift. Flotation has always chilled me out, but the fire in me was ignited. I guess it does help to change up your routine every once in a while!
By Kristen CervenakBy now, I thought I’ve experienced the maximum inspiration and relaxation that flotation can be gifted to a person. I have always been pleasantly surprised by the positive energy and tranquility that I have felt afterward, but this float flipped my entire world upside down.
After an extremely busy week, filled with negative energy and chaos, I found myself desiring my weekly aquatic escape. Emotionally exhausted, I closed my eyes immediately after getting in and wished for my stress to be lifted from me. That’s when things began altering for me. I noticed how stationary I was without an abundance of concentration exerted this time. Was I awake? Was I asleep? I couldn’t tell anymore. Electric volts raced through my arms. My imagination brought forth before my eyes, peaceful images lined in lights. I heard the sounds of the ocean in my head interrupted by the visions of galaxy-painted water. I assumed that I must have been dreaming, as the sudden jerking of my muscles would send shocks down my spine. My session felt reminiscent of astral projection, which I was always skeptical of, seeing as I have never experienced it. I felt myself shiver and knew I must be awake. I listened to my heart race and slowly pump with calming thoughts. The echo of my voice rang throughout my head. “Everything is going to be ok.” |
May 2018
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